July 27, 2024 | 16:00 pm
Excellent Choice: Official Press Credentials for Journalists
Press Card & Accreditation for International Journalists
Backstage Access: Concerts, Sporting Events & Political Rallies
Professional Status for Journalists & Press Photographers
Trusted Partner for Press Photographers and Media Professionals

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Your Data

Editorial department*
Will be included on the Reporter Card and in your letter confirming assignment. You may only select one news beat here. It is not possible to select several beats at a time.

Passport photo*

(Note: min. 132x166px / ideal width/length ratio 1:1,27 max. 4MB / .jpg / .gif / .png)


I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions.*
Yes, I am actively working as a journalist.*

Spam protection*


**are required fields

Registration tips

Editorial department

Will be included on the Reporter Card and in your letter confirming assignment. You may only select one news beat here. It is not possible to select several beats at a time.


Please enter your professional title here, e.g. journalist, photographer,... Please note: The job title may contain a maximum of 23 characters. Job title will also be included on the press pass and/or Reporter Card.

uploading a photo for your press pass

Image Size

Size: min. 132x166px
ideal width/length ratio 1:1.27
Format: .jpg oder .gif oder .png
Size: max. 4MB

Image Format

The photo must be in color and have a light (not black) background.

Image Upload

You can upload this image in the member area of our website.
